
5 Simple Ways to Develop Positive Thinking Today

Feeling a bit down? Just can’t seem to muster up anything beyond a meh “fine” when someone asks how you’re doing? Don’t sweat it, the solution might be easier than you think.

Believe it or not, our attitudes make all the difference. When we’re feeling crappy about our lives or how the day is going, it seems like everything just goes wrong. The thing is, life is anything but predictable. You might have an awesome day one minute, only to be followed up by a seriously crummy one. And with all the crazy stuff going on in the world, from the weather to politics, it can seem impossible to ever feel good about anything.

But did you know that it’s all about your mindset? By shifting your mindset to focus on the positive, you’ll be amazed at how much your whole outlook can change!

Developing positive thinking. A woman sitting on the ground facing a big body of water watching the sun set with a thumbs up in the air.

How do you develop the habit of positive thinking? It takes a little bit of practice, but it’s not difficult.


The obvious answer in positive thinking is to use more positive words. If you want to feel better, you got to start talking nicer to yourself. Instead of saying something negative, either out loud or in your head, try to find a better way to say things. So instead of complaining about something wrong about the situation, try to find the silver lining.

As an example, instead of saying work is a total drag, maybe focus on the fact that it’s got some interesting challenges to tackle. Trust me, it might feel cheesy and fake at first. The more you practice rephrasing things, the easier it’ll be to switch up your mindset and find a more positive spin.


I get to do this! A woman holding her hands in a shape of an open square to her face like she is framing her face.

Positive thinking can make a huge difference in how we approach things. One easy trick is to pay attention to how you’re framing things. Like, have you ever caught yourself saying “I have to do this” and just feeling totally bummed out? It’s like you’re being forced to do something you hate.

But if you switch it up and say “I get to do this” instead, suddenly the whole vibe changes. It’s no longer a chore, it’s an opportunity to do something cool. See how that works? Just that little shift in phrasing can help turn a task into something you’re excited about.


So we all know that sometimes things just go totally wrong. No matter how hard you try, stuff just doesn’t work out like you want it to. And I know sometimes you may feel like it is just you, but it happens to everybody at times. Positive thinking can make a huge difference here.

Instead of getting down in the dumps about it, try switching up your mindset. Maybe it’s time to change your approach or goal a little bit. Rather than focusing on the disaster that just went down, focus on what you can do to move forward and make things better. It’s all about finding the opportunity in the challenge, you know?


Take a break. A dog in a cozy bathrobe laying on their back with sunglasses on looking quite relaxed.

It’s so hard to be positive when you’re absolutely exhausted and feeling like you’re in over your head. Sometimes the best way to cultivate better positive thinking is to cut yourself some slack and take a break. Things will look brighter when you can come back refreshed.

I love to practice yoga in the morning and at night to exercise and help my mind to relax, it is part of my self-care routine. BUT not everybody wants to to yoga and I totally get that! If you have set up a self-care routine for tough days, you may want to go through your routine when you feel in over your head. While you should be practicing self-care daily, your routine will really help to relax you on the bad days.


Positive thinking doesn’t mean you’re oblivious to all the messed up stuff that goes down in the world. Let’s be real, bad things happen all the time. But the thing is, having a positive attitude means you’re able to keep your eyes on the prize even when things get rough.

Instead of getting bogged down in the tragedy, you focus on what you can do to make things better. That’s where the magic happens, you know? Positivity helps you see solutions where everyone else just sees problems. And that’s how change gets made – when people start taking action to make things better.

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5 simple ways to develop positive thinking Pinterest image. A woman sitting on the ground in front of a big body of water over looking the water.

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